Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Croatia Wedding!

This was my shortest trip to Croatia. 
Got immersed in the language, food, the people, the traditions, and then realized that I'm actually still in Chicago. 
When all the discussions are either in Croatian, or are talking about what it means to be from there, when the ceremony is not only in a Croatian church but is given in the language, when shots of liquor are given up greeting, and traditional platters of homemade pastries brought by guests overflow numerous banquet tables, and when "Sweet Caroline" is replaced with well... I don't know the name of it because it's in Croatian you feel like you've been transported. 
I absolutely loved it! And I absolutely love today's couple Tom & Ana. 
They're laid back, yet willing to try anything. Including literally jumping bushes to stand on the tippy edge of a fountain.  Seemingly quiet but then can open up and share about life. Their eyes would fill with  genuine appreciate for each one of their guests and then be the first ones lining up a traditional dance or the one to grab the mic and bust out some awesome lip-syncing.
I admire the deep respect they have for one another. They didn't just want to merely please or appease the each other which is good don't get me wrong, but they really took to heart what the other's opinion was; they had a profound respect for one another. 
It was one of those days where I left feeling truly honored to be a part of it. 
It really was something special. 
Congratulations Tom & Ana, may your eyes always sparkle they way they did this day when you look at one another. 

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