Thursday, October 21, 2010

After The Fact...

Let me start off by saying I love taking pictures...But even more than that I love the process afterwards. As I begin to work on the thousands of images from the greatest day in someone's life I notice so many things that I hadn't the day of the wedding, probably because I was so immersed in the moment. And if that's happening to me, I know it's happening to my bride and groom. So as I work on the pictures after the wedding I get excited. For one, I just know there's going to be moments that the bride & groom couldn't have fully grasped and I'm in a very real sense bringing that time back to life. This may sound funny, but I didn't realize the bride Angela teared up coming down the aisle until I was editing. That moment took on a whole new meaning for me. And I'm just the photographer! (: Just imagine all the little moments of the wedding that they might not have fully gotten to see or participate in that will have new meaning upon seeing the pictures. Very cool thought. The other reason I get so excited after the wedding is I often times don't realize till after the fact is just how much I care for my bride & groom. I have spent hours and hours both in the little and in the big moments with Jay & Angela and I genuinely care for them. I can only hope that these little tangible reminders we call pictures will bring them great joy. 
They deserve it. 
Congrats guys. 

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