Friday, December 14, 2012

Thank You Google...

People often ask how i get my clients to which I can honestly say primarily its through word of mouth (which p.s- thank you for passing my name along!) and considering this shoot was out of state (What? We don't have mountains in Chicago?) (: I assumed that a referral must have been the case. well, long story short, after a few confusing questions/answers  it turns out we had google to thank for having us meet. But not until the end of our booking did we realize that ironically, they know others that I was going to be photographing later that week. So glad they found me as this family is as easy as it gets. They're gorgeous, photogenic, and undeniably sweet.

Thanks guys for spending some time with me. And thank you Google for the connection. (:

So... If we saw mountains in Chi-town (like real mountains not the bunny hills that they charge a fortune for us to "ski" down) we'd flip right? Well...In Arizona, To find real trees (Not cacti) and grass is a mega big deal. So many a photos were taken on this little stretch of grass. (: 

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