Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My Gap Babies...

Is this not the most beautiful family you've ever seen? Well, I thought so the minute I walked through their front door. My inner monologue went something like this: "Holy cow, they're beautiful...I wish I worked for Gap...They would be the face of the company." 

The most exciting part about shooting children is they bring the un-expected factor. You have absolutely no idea what's about to happen or be said. Typically, it comes in the form of chaos and random comments that make me chuckle inside, but the unexpected with this family, was not only how beautiful they are but how well behaved the kids were! I dunno, I guess I haven't had that in quite awhile, it was refreshing to see. 

So Gap...When you're hiring, look me up, and my first gig can be shooting these beautiful faces. Ok? Thanks. (:


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