Love shooting here, love gorgeous fall days, and I love beautiful people. Okay that last part sounded different in my head but let me explain...I'm pretty sure this is just a girl thing buuuut ladies you know when you come across another girl who's so stunning there's a real part of you that wishes you looked like her? Yeah that was me throughout this entire shoot. (: It wasn't in a spiteful envious way, more like: she's gorgeous inside and out and I admire that.
Anyway...all that to say, I loved spending the day with these two. (:
Oh! Annnnd I got to try out a picture idea I've had in my head for awhile but didn't have the right couple to do it. Until today...And they were troopers cuz that straw is not forgiving. Sigh...I'm happy and much to do with it is the fact that it took forever just choosing what pictures to put on here because I loved them all. And to that I say one last time that I love fall. (: