Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Double Mint

This may be too old school for some of you but do you remember those Double Mint gum ads? They were usually funky, fresh, bright, and had twins with ridiculously good lookin' smile's beaming with delight over their perfect piece of gum? Much better than these random inappropriate ones that most companies use now. Really? You're advertising gum? Okay, todays shoot really had nothing to do with gum, Double Mint, Ads, or even TV but rather my favorite spot from today's engagement shoot (a really random bright green wall) as well as Julie's perfect smile made me think that any second know a little sparkle would reflect off her teeth and a little high-pitched "ding!" noise would happen. Those were literally my thoughts while shooting. Welcome to my odd inner-monologue. (:

I guess I'm not done with my commercial comparisons cuz just as they were always having an over the top good time so were today's couple Victor & Julie. They were crazy! Most people take awhile to warm up to the concept of gettin' their pics taken? These two? They were jumping, climbing tries, posing with random city property. I lost you on that last one didn't I?

Okay, well, as I was getting to know them more they mentioned how whenever Victor travels he steals an orange traffic cone and moves it to a random other place in the town. Random. Almost as random as merely steps later we came across an orange cone and literally had a full photo-shoot with it. It was awesome. So keep tellin' me your random quirks, stories, and memories, you never know when it'll show up on my camera. (:

These two love life & love to have fun... 
Two great things to have for a marriage. 
Looking forward to the big day!

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