It was a moment in-between what I would call typical wedding chaos of we're slightly behind schedule, still running around getting ready when the bride Raquel calmly gets my attention. I honestly think I'll remember this for years to come as it was a surreal moment in that I could feel the hustle and bustle behind me but it's almost like my moment with the bride was in slow-motion. She touched my arm and said: "Just wanted to let you know that I've been praying for you and your husband. For whatever reason missions is on my heart for you guys." I honestly coulda lost it. And if we weren't running late I may have taken a moment and let myself do so. India has and continues to be on my husband and my heart. We go every year to work with an all girls orphanage that has absolutely stolen our hearts. In some ways we're at a fork in the road and Raquel's words were timely.
I've said in the past that I pray for all my couples. Not necessarily with them or in some obvious way but little moments here and there when things remind me of them. But to have a bride say she was praying for me? Unexpected and meaningful.
Fast forward a few minutes after we got her in her dress...
She was stunning and so I wanted to get a few images of her but also wanted her to have a ready heart to cherish the moments that were to come. So I told her to take a second and pray for her marriage to herself. When we were done she wiped a tear. One of my favorite shots and moments of the day.
Then after the ceremony, in this tiny little white chapel the bride, groom, and myself are doing portraits and now knowing what prayer means to both of them I told them to take another moment now that they are together and just pray for their marriage. Much like I've been doing while writing this post. (:
And again, it ended up being one of my favorite images of the day.
Eugene & Raquel,
I pray that in the greatest and even in the most challenging times of your marriage that you'll be able to look back and see a path of faithfulness that God has provided for you guys and allow that to be an ever-flowing source of encouragement for you. Keep praying for one another as well as together as no doubt the Lord will answer. So thrilled for the adventures ahead for you guys.