Friday, May 11, 2012

Arizona Baby! Well...Almost

Yes...It is Arizona and we almost have a baby. And by "we" I mean my dearest friends Cori & Jeremy. And by "almost" I mean we're counting down weeks not months. (: 
I absolutely cannot wait to meet this kid! 
I wonder what she'll be like? Soccer dominator like her mom? Astronaut intrigued genius like her dad? 
One thing that's clear is this kid is gonna have some pretty phenomenal parents!
Cori already has animal crackers walkin' two by two... (Inside joke, sorry had to do it)  And Jer. will know statistically what the likelihood of her getting out of the crib and into mischief before it even happens. Cori will be the biggest fan of all the little one's hopes and dreams. (I attribute me actually being a photographer to her being like: "Seriously...You can do this!") And Jer will sit down and not just listen but really hear what her heart has to say. They are some of the greatest people I've ever been blessed to have in my life and this is one lucky kid!

Cor...You know how I know you'll be an amazing mom? Well, for one, you have a pretty fantastic one yourself but even more than that you've been the most genuine friend I've ever had. One that I don't have to edit (sorry, cheesy photog pun) who I am in any circumstance. So for that little girl of yours to have the freedom to be absolutely who the Lord created her to be will be the truest love you will ever give her. So though I'm across the country, you know I'm on the next flight outta here the second you need me. Unless it's for changing diapers... (: 

Jer... Keep taking care of momma...You know she's a tough cookie and won't ask for things till it's at her breaking point. You've always been a great support for her and she'll need you more than ever. 

This is where I got to shoot for the week...Rough life I know. (: 
I actually made preggers pull over the car for this shot. With an iphone in my hand she goes: "You do know you have a real camera on your lap right?" Ha... Sorry Apple...I know you're taking over the world and most definitely the Ruggiero house but Nikon wins. 
We may or may not have gotten up at 5AM to shoot before the sun came up. We actually hadn't even arrived to our planned photo destination yet but when the sun just peaked over the mountains we just had to jump out for some shots. Those ended up being some of my favorites of the whole shoot. 

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